To apply mensural signs to a score you need to add a conventional time signature first, then modify its display by substituting with the appropriate mensural symbol in the Time signature properties dialog. Note that these signs are for show only; it is not possible to modify the duration ratio between different note values, and the actual underlying time signature remains unchanged.
[To be added]
add from symbols palette, hide
Early music, such as renaissance choral music, may be written without barlines or a time signature. This can be achieved in MuseScore as follows:
Set up the instruments or voices of the score in the usual way (See Setting up your score);
Hide the time signature;
in Format
, check the box titled "Display note values across measure boundaries";
Right-click on a measure in the top staff and select Staff/Part properties;
Uncheck "Show barlines"; repeat this for each applicable staff (see note);
Click OK
Note: In step 4 you can make the barlines invisible instead by selecting all and pressing V
Note that the score still behaves as if measures are present. Measure properties can be applied if required.
Mensurstrich is a form of modern notation of early music in which barlines are drawn between staves rather than across them:
Right click on the bottom staff of the intended mensurstrich system, and select Staff/Part properties. Uncheck "Show barlines".
Select the first (not the start!) barline for each of the remaining staves;
Check the "Span to next staff" box in the Barline section of the Properties panel;
Adjust "Span from" to set the position of the top of each barline;
Press Set as staff default
From the menu bar, select Format
Check "Display note values across measure boundaries".